A Kingdom of Justice in Matthew’s Gospel


I’m busy with preparing the English editions of “The Reign of God” these days, and while the translation is done, submitting the files to the Amazon publishing services turns out to be tricky… another chance to practice patience, I guess… What I want to say is that I haven’t had time to write more blog posts. But I still can share something worthwhile.
I’m always thrilled to hear the message of God’s Kingdom in my church these days, because it was hardly ever mentioned in the churches of my youth back in Germany. Last Sunday, the associate pastor of Tokyo Union Church, Pastor Ivan Martinez, gave a clear sermon about justice for the dispossessed in God’s Kingdom, and what makes it different from the governments of men. So I want to share this powerful message here.


Pastor Ivan Martinez: “Are you a sheep or a goat?”

(Tokyo Union Church / November 26th, 2017 / Original Link )[:]

What do you think?