You can now download both books of the REIGN OF GOD series for free!
Head over to, the marketplace for creative people,
where you can get free PDFs of both Book 1 and Book 2.
If you appreciate this work and want to support my creative output you may pay any amount of your choosing, or simply put ‘0’ and get a free copy. I will not collect your email address for newsletters, so rest assured.
For those who would like to purchase print copies, the book is on Amazon as before. Ebooks are also up for purchase for Kindle and Apple Books on the respective stores.
Why am I doing this?
It’s been about a year now that I published the second book of the REIGN OF GOD comic. I completed the first book in 2017, five years ago. And it’s been exactly eight years since I quit my full-time job to pursue telling this particular story in this way. Even though making this comic, producing two big books, and learning so many incredibly valuable lessons on the way, I feel that I need a break from it.
Commercially, the comic never sold as well as I had hoped it would, and it never sparked the interest that I thought it deserved. In 2019, I received a substantial art grant that kickstarted the second book. The response, however, was negligible. Being a lousy salesperson, I still tried to earnestly learn and create a business that would help promoting and selling the book. In the end, nothing really helped.
As an artist, it is important to me that my work reaches people. I want my work to move hearts, stir thoughts, ignite discussions, and cause a truly positive change in this world. I went into comic creation hoping that THE REIGN OF GOD would inspire and disturb, because I believed that there were powerful, important themes at its core. Of course, there could have been better ways to tell the story and to produce the books. But I felt that I was making it in a way that matched my values, not compromising my creative vision.
I received many passionate comments from readers and had wonderful conversations thanks to THE REIGN OF GOD. Some readers were indeed moved and inspired, and I cherish those messages. However, this book has not found a broad way to its right audience and simply remains unread and unseen. I won’t speculate about the reasons here—the result is that, even though I put a lot of heart and effort into this project, I haven’t gotten back enough in terms of readership, impact, energy, and sales to keep me going.
Setting free and shutting in

I feel that now is the time to set the book free so that it may reach some new readers. That is why I am offering it without cost here. In the end, it is not commercial success that I’m after. There are, in fact, visitors to this website every day, and perhaps THE REIGN OF GOD may finally find its audience if it is released from the market onto the realm of shared wealth.
And I am also setting myself free from this project for a while. This is hard, because there’s still a big story in my imagination, and the characters, whom I love and care for, remain trapped inside me. They are not just lines on a page, you know—they are alive, and an untold story is like a constant inner burden. But what if their voices go unnoticed even when their story is told…?
I want to thank once more all the people who supported me on this journey, those who encouraged me and collaborated with me. I also want to thank all the readers who bought a copy of THE REIGN OF GOD. It means much to me to earn your trust. And I hope that future readers may find something on the pages that will challenge their faith and let them see a glimpse of what was burning in Jesus’ heart.