Report from Indie Comic Con

Is it already a month ago? I totally forgot to write about Indie Comic Con in Melbourne that happened last month, December 8. I took part in this event as an artist, presenting and selling my book to nice Australian …

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My Book Trailer on YouTube!


I should have made this way earlier: a book trailer for THE REIGN OF GOD! Well, I finally found time to complete this short promo video, because Indie Comic Con in Melbourne is coming up this week, and I’ll be selling my work there. So I thought it would be nice to set up an iPad playing the video during the event.

Book trailers are a weird thing—how do you make a video out of a book creatively? Good that comics are visual, so I had the idea of creating blurs using real fire. You can see smoke and flames, which fit what’s happening in the book. It’s pretty serious, but it reflects the story. Enjoy and share!

Review in the Uniting Church newspaper

Nice surprise: THE REIGN OF GOD was reviewed and introduced in Crosslight, the newspaper of Australia’s Uniting Church. The small book review “Graphic Gospel” is also online. I have been attending Sophia’s Spring, a Uniting Church congregation that meets at …

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